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    7 S4 [5 r8 P1 w
    % h( r2 Z( }) T7 [6 M* X收藏
    ) E0 A5 w; n6 Z2 m[url=]

    + }; J+ X& ^& k2 L- T' r

    1 X) ]1 V* B1 S/ s+ ^' d; K) O
    8 n* V: V! B# E# B/ f4 U, n! L1 y* _崔向阳 (湖南大学机械与运载工程学院教授)
    9 C0 R. b0 i+ }( p崔向阳,男,博士,湖南大学机械与运载工程学院教授、博士生导师。 [1]* Z  w6 O8 S- [3 \' \9 R7 m+ q

    0 [: o4 T' P* h2 p0 {5 P' k. w" g
    9 s" o8 `2 h0 n7 ?! D6 X5 ^* L1 o
    * A- B$ n. B" r2 M中文名崔向阳毕业院校湖南大学学位/学历博士专业方向机械与运载工程学任职院校湖南大学9 Z0 k% H. }2 _- B& {" V
    目录- s; U7 h9 p8 I  l3 H3 f2 O

    ' k5 \+ [0 C& @4 L0 k4 w7 H/ J

    $ t# v5 L5 p! ~- n6 e" r' |1 F" P% t7 F1 T
    1 C0 k8 _2 c2 V; \+ E# t0 k
    . _. ^3 R2 W- _9 e! S) K" f3 d教育经历
    ) Y' d! b; {, Z, O; r/ {2009.8-2011.9 湖南大学汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,博士研究生
    2 o: b& V  P; Q/ s" `5 X! f, a2007.8-2009.8 新加坡国立大学机械工程系,联合培养博士生! V" z1 R, G$ v1 u9 ^
    2005.9-2007.8 湖南大学汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,硕士研究生
      v2 O: X! s* W! }0 ~' J' B2001.9-2005.7 湖南大学机械与汽车工程学院,机械设计制造及其自动化专业,本科 [1]: ]& ]  X: r; g
    & U  I9 E( y% _- }7 Z3 n: q
    3 l6 t) c( J. R: x2009.10-2012.11 湖南大学机械与汽车工程学院/汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,讲师+ D* q+ G# F5 s
    2012.12-2019.01 湖南大学机械与汽车工程学院/汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,副教授
    * a* K+ w6 M* e( m6 W- P2019.01-今 湖南大学机械与汽车工程学院/汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,教授
    0 ?7 \0 f0 R- |5 z2017.09-今 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,副主任 [1]
    2 v7 p) b2 Y! p. d. D' g4 n( W1 i2 n6 l' B" r8 Q$ X/ m
    3 I: I7 T! K% N' Z/ _- g国际杂志 “International Journal of Computational Methods”,Guest editor
    ( J2 F9 M" ~. e0 y* k国际杂志 “PLOS ONE”,Academic Editor
    4 I6 V+ U+ \4 h1 Z国际会议 “The 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2013)”,“Smoothed Finite Element Methods”分会场主席. ~" _. ~$ {0 g& _4 X4 L9 y, a7 D! M
    国际会议“The 7th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2016)”,“Computational Methods in Engineering”分会场主席) ^5 N. K% Q- o* h+ |' t5 v
    国际会议 “The 7th International Conference on Computational Methods(ICCM2016)”,分会场主席 [1]
    * V9 T3 J" {7 c+ W$ n+ K' ^0 V
    7 a2 V: ^6 e$ h# [研究领域[url=]编辑[/url]) I3 O: |8 u; \  R& P+ i
    学科领域:车辆工程,机械设计及理论,材料成形,计算力学0 E3 |( Q% c, I' t
    研究方向:数值算法理论(光滑有限元法;随机有限元;等几何;无网格法;板壳单元;节点积分);汽车CAE软件开发与集成技术(汽车结构刚度、强度、模态、NVH分析软件;汽车零部件冲压成形分析软件;汽车碰撞分析软件);多物理场计算(结构场、电磁场、热学及声学等工程应用及多场耦合计算);材料成形工艺及机理(电磁成形、3D打印、薄板冲压成形、体积成形等过程的宏观与微观模拟;晶体塑性有限元;多尺度模拟;热处理与组织演变模拟;轻质合金成形机理及本构等)等方面的研究。 [1]
    3 A7 [! j3 {3 U( c8 [6 r3 O* m" d- i6 m) E$ A
    $ ?1 ^% q- S( v5 D0 g: F8 S
    ( r! ^1 q- d# i主持项目& {: [: m: U# d  Q8 C( j
    ) Y* Z# Y) |* D$ p" Z. ^国家自然科学基金面上项目:“时空间稳定节点积分算法及其在车身设计制造中的应用研究”5 h, j9 |$ f+ f# ]# P
    国家自然科学基金青年基金:“连续性二次松弛三角形薄板壳元研究及其在车身设计中的应用”$ e6 |3 b# B! H9 U" j5 F1 v
    & n4 P$ C1 ?) T' b, I& I% `车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室自由探索项目:“基于压电声子晶体结构的汽车NVH控制研究”
    . d: w  D' ~; A; q3 ]. S车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室自由探索项目:“基于非结构网格汽车碰撞软件开发”) f0 ]- c3 v7 Y. Z2 y1 X! {6 S$ L8 k% \
    ; }% I! R$ [5 M" c  P! m博士后基金:“用于材料成形分析的低阶高精度算法理论研究”7 p3 l' `* u8 Z5 b, `5 V" n
    湖南省优博资助项目:“低阶高精度单元理论及其在动态大变形问题中的应用研究”  M- W7 ?; |+ z6 v* f( w
      k3 p( y2 ~2 j$ k/ Z车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室人才培育项目:“用于金属塑性成形分析的低阶单元研究”
    + R% b! k: }% t8 p工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室开放基金:“基于梯度光滑低阶单元理论及其在金属塑性成形分析中的应用研究”2 ]+ @9 ~& `& _  Y
    电动车辆国家工程实验室开放基金:“节点积分拓扑优化理论及其在车身轻量化中的应用研究” [1]3 m  J9 j; w% T# V1 \. o/ O
    4 d5 H* @6 q  u8 Y
    参与项目* Q: A2 {6 W5 V: L9 _# J! ~: G
    国家重点研发计划:复杂结构介质大尺度形变高精度高效计算5 c! T7 x  ^& l( B( b4 l
    国家自然科学基金重点项目:面向重大工程需求的CAD/CAE一体化高效计算方法  N9 M: p7 h/ M, z6 g1 d
    国家973计划:现代设计大型应用软件的可信性研究$ x' Q+ {$ X  U# R9 |
    国家重点研发计划:轻质材料成形工艺及装配技术研究 [1]
    % l5 T/ C/ z" A6 X- K
    7 W$ R: m1 p4 a$ u学术成果[url=]编辑[/url]
    $ E& v. ?! _: ]" f9 o/ S最近3年发表的部分论著$ U: j- m: n2 \$ l$ ~" Y0 l
    Liu P W, Wang Z, Xiao Y H, Horstemeyer M F, *Cui X.Y., *Chen L. Insight into the mechanisms of columnar to equiaxed grain transition during metallic additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing 2019; 26: 22-29.
    % G1 Z& F7 y5 Y, ?Li S, Tian L, *Cui X Y. Phase field crack model with diffuse description for fracture problem and implementation in engineering applications. Advances in Engineering Software 2019;$ s* ]$ t- Y/ w: Q& }" O+ z! C% k9 {
    C.S Ding, X. B Hu, *X.Y Cui, G.Y. Li, Y. Cai, K. K. Tamma. Isogeometric generalized n th order perturbation-based stochastic method for exact geometric modeling of (composite) structures: Static and dynamic analysis with random material parameters. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019; 346:1002-1024.; Z- l" q' I; X( y
    H Yang, *XY Cui, S Li, YH Bie. A stable node-based smoothed finite element method for metal forming analysis. Computational Mechanics 2018; 45:
    & T2 t9 [2 r& o- n. M' c* I. ]C.S Ding, R. Deokar, *X.Y Cui, G.Y. Li, Y. Cai, K. K. Tamma. Proper orthogonal decomposition and Monte Carlo based isogeometric stochastic method for material, geometric and force multi-dimensional uncertainties. Computational Mechanics 2018; 45:
    # C: ?7 H8 s" D8 ~+ L1 w1 Z+ tLiu P W, *Cui X.Y., Deng J.S., Li S., Li Z.C, Chen L. Investigation of thermal responses during metallic additive manufacturing using a “Tri-Prism” fnite element method. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2019; 136: 217-229.
    + O5 v0 D- R9 e9 ^Pei Y.J., *Cui X Y. A novel triangular prism element based on smoothed finite element method. International Journal of Computational Methods 2018; 15(7):1850058.6 H$ g! U; o6 Z4 K/ W6 b' O+ K
    Liu P W, *Cui X.Y., Wang G., Wang Z., Chen L. An accurate and efficient scheme for linear and nonlinear analyses based on a gradient-weighted technique. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2018; 105:9-19( l' z. H# ?- m/ a
    Li S., *Cui X.Y. An edge-based smoothed finite element method for nonlinear magnetostatic and eddy current analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2018; 62: 287-302.
    " D* u2 L( _$ I1 S# f' R- s5 z6 _Li S., *Cui X.Y. Li G.Y. Modelling and demonstration of electromagnetically assisted stamping system using an interactive mapping method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2018; 144: 312-323.
    . T: Z4 S6 ]9 U$ m2 h6 y$ r#Liu P W, #Ji Y.Z., Wang Z, Antonysamy A. A, Chen L Q, *Cui X.Y., *Chen L. Investigation on evolution mechanisms of site-specific grain structures during metal additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2018; 257: 191-202.
      g; w5 e+ r4 H+ A  d8 eYan H.H., Bie Y.H., *Cui X Y, Xiong G.P., *Chen L. A computational investigation of thermal effect on lithium dendrite growth. Energy Conversion and Management 2018; 161: 193-204.
    $ S6 \, ^! ?# V5 I" j2 c, }Hu X, *Cui X Y, Zhang Q Y, Wang G, Li G Y. Dispersion error analysis of stable node-based finite element method for the helmholtz equation. Communications in Computational Physics. 2018; 23(3):795-821./ J. j3 ?% I2 h0 P7 z
    Bie Y.H., *Cui X Y, Li Z.C. A coupling approach of state-based peridynamics with node-based smoothed finite element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018; 331:675-700.
    ) i5 _( {0 c3 G- i% Y& c/ [邓家善,裴泳杰,王海波,崔向阳.基于动力学联合仿真的清筛机耙齿磨损分析[J].计算机辅助工程,2018,27(3):15-20.
    ( y8 C% P' A* x$ R% o, EZC Li, XY Cui, *Y Cai. Analysis of heat transfer problems using a novel low-order FEM based on gradient weighted operation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2018; 132:52-640 J; l: `* }  w! M
    Cai Y., Cui X Y, *Li G.Y, Liu W Y. A parallel finite element procedure for contact-impact problems using edge-based smooth triangular element and GPU. Computer Physics Communications 2018; 225: 47-58.  \/ d. C% `! \% w
    C Ding, X Cui, RR Deokar, G Li, *Y Cai, KK Tamma. An isogeometric independent coefficients (IGA-IC) reduced order method for accurate and efficient transient nonlinear heat conduction analysis. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 2018; 73: 667-684+ W2 M) @+ o- k9 u$ M* i9 _
    C Ding, X Cui, G.X. Huang, G Li, KK Tamma, *Y Cai. A gradient-based shape optimization scheme via isogeometric exact reanalysis. Engineering Computations 2018; 35: 2696-2721.
    6 H8 U' F; _) S) D( LD Da, X Cui, K Long, G Huang, *G Li. Design of material microstructures for maximum effective elastic modulus and macrostructures. Engineering Computations 2018; 35 (2): 622-640
    5 k4 j  x; [) q% r9 e: \Li S., *Cui X Y, Wang G. Bending and vibration analyses of plate and shell using an element decomposition method. Engineering Computations 2018; 35: 287-314.
    . `6 [- e2 g$ Y. d! OYang T.J., *Cui X Y. A random field model based on nodal integration domain for stochastic analysis of heat transfer problems. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2017; 122: 231-247.
    % c8 r3 n" r+ P# [' e+ C3 |Li S., *Cui X Y , Li G.Y. Multi-physics analysis of electromagnetic forming process using an edge-based smoothed finite element method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017; 134: 244-252.
    * ~3 N+ c& u& _*Cui X Y, Hu X B, Zeng Y. A copula-based perturbation stochastic method for fiber-reinforced composite structures with correlations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 322:351-372.
    ; c( P0 a6 L" j: s" t( h+ H+ vHu X, *Cui X Y, Zhang Q Y, Wang G, Li G Y, The stable node-based smoothed finite element method for analyzing acoustic radiation problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2017; 80: 142-152.% d! q) G# @. e  q+ t( b
    Da D C, Chen J H, * Cui X Y , *Li G.Y, Design of materials using hybrid cellular automata. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2017; 56: 131-137.
    ! A; P  e- \2 l3 @: d7 J( ]4 Q7 B  n*Cui X Y, Tian L. A central point-based discrete shear gap method for plates and shells analysis using triangular elements. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2017; 9(4): 1750055(30pages).
    4 \  H. ~& n5 j6 g- aFeng H., *Cui X Y, Li G.Y. Coupled-field simulation of electromagnetic tube forming process using a stable nodal integration method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017; 128-129: 332-344.. i, R: ~2 ^5 k
    Ding C X, *Cui X Y, Huang G X, Li G.Y, Tamma K.K. Exact and efficient isogeometric reanalysis of accurate shape and boundary modifications. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 318:619-635.# D0 ~4 z/ R' e0 H
    Feng H, *Cui X Y, Li G.Y. A stable nodal integration method for static and quasi-static electromagnetic field computation. Journal of Computational Physics 2017; 336: 580-594.
    # V! j% `) F* C2 _2 ~, y*Cui X Y, Li S, Feng H., Li G.Y. A triangular prism solid and shell interactive mapping element for electromagnetic sheet metal forming process. Journal of Computational Physics 2017; 336: 192-211.
    - s, W' U) c5 l6 W! O( s% b* k*Cui X Y, Hu X, Wang G, Li G Y, An accurate and efficient scheme for acoustic-structure interaction problems based on unstructured mesh. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017; 317:1122-1145.* Z: _, E8 C4 {9 E/ C: K" X
    Hu X B, *Cui X Y, Liang Z.M, Li G Y. The performance prediction and optimization of the fiber-reinforced composite structure with uncertain parameters. Composite Structures 2017; 164: 207-218.
    , P* u8 F  W+ G' M* l" \! O8 mWang G., *Cui X Y, *Li G.Y. Acoustic simulation using a novel approach for reducing dispersion error. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 2017; 84:109-134.; P8 H7 l: b; \. d5 g- ?
    Li S, *Cui X Y, Feng H., Wang G. An electromagnetic forming analysis modelling using nodal integration axisymmetric thin shell. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2017; 244: 62-72.
    - h* Q% ]. u7 L9 B+ f. HDa D C, Cui X Y, Long K, *Li G.Y. Concurrent topological design of composite structures and the underlying multi-phase materials. Computers & Structures, 2017; 179:1-14.
    1 x! L6 r- l! W" O, \- O" G! WWang G., *Cui X Y, *Li G.Y. An element decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation. Communications in Computational Physics. 2016; 20(5):1258-1282. (2区,IF=1.762). T3 @# ]( z1 _
    Hu X B, *Cui X Y, Feng H, Li G Y. Stochastic analysis using the generalized perturbation stable node-based smoothed finite element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2016; 70: 40-55.% f, a; e! D$ z8 q& Y; ^: `
    Wang G.,* Cui X Y, Li G Y. A rotation free shell formulation using nodal integration for static and dynamic analyses of structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2016; 105:532-560
    + R/ `1 m& ^! VFeng S.Z., *Cui X Y, Li A.M. Fast and efficient analysis of transient nonlinear heat conduction problems using combined approximations (CA) method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016; 97: 638-644.
    ' K7 {' L- [' V, C9 I*Cui X Y, Li Z.C, Feng H, Feng S Z. Steady and transient heat transfer analysis using a stable node-based smoothed finite element method. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2016; 110: 12-25.
    ) o1 w  g: A1 O4 K*Cui X Y, Hu X B, Li G Y, Liu G R. A Modified Smoothed Finite Element Method for Static and Free Vibration Analysis of Solid Mechanics. International Journal of Computational methods 2016, 13(4) 1650043 (31 pages).2 y6 |* O; {9 V
    *Cui X Y, Wang G., Li G Y. A nodal integration axisymmetric thin shell model using linear interpolation. Applied Mathematical Modelling2016; 40: 2720-2742.
    ( |" `7 R0 {6 u' y6 q/ }! c4 |崔向阳,胡鑫,王刚,李光耀. 二维声学数值计算的梯度最小二乘加权. 机械工程学报 2016; 52(15): 52-58.) H( g* C9 s# e" A: t8 `
    Ding C S, Cui X Y, *Li G Y. Accurate analysis and thickness optimization of tailor rolled blanks based on isogeometric analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2016; 54(4):871-887.( D0 K! |7 b8 |; [/ v
    Ding C S, Cui X Y, Li C, *Li G Y, Wang G.P. A multi-level refinement adaptive scheme with high efficiency and accuracy. Engineering Computations 2016; 33: 2216 - 2236.
    3 Q6 W. {+ A9 J& sFeng H., Cui X Y, *Li G Y. A stable nodal integration method with strain gradient for static and dynamic analysis of solid mechanics. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2016; 62: 78-92.
    1 w2 X. H) k1 s# S" I1 eFeng S.Z., Cui X Y, *Chen F., Li A.M., Liu S.Z., Meng D.Y. An edge/face-based smoothed radial point interpolation method for static analysis of structures. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2016; 68: 1-10.
    9 L: ?+ r" D  ^, z8 z5 p: DFeng S.Z., Cui X Y, *Li A.M., Xie G.Z. A face-based smoothed point interpolation method (FS-PIM) for analysis of nonlinear heat conduction in multi-material bodies. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2016; 100: 430-437. [1]
    ( B/ B9 W8 U- s" o: t参考资料
    • 1.崔向阳 .湖南大学[引用日期2019-11-09]2 N6 m3 o7 T$ g

    ' g! ^- A8 l; {  a

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