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  • TA的每日心情
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  • 发表于 2020-2-27 12:43:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    崔孟超,男,博士,北京师范大学化学学院副教授、博士生导师 [1]+ }& K( u% B5 t5 ?9 f. n' y
    $ V! l4 L- J6 s* {

    9 X4 k8 g4 m6 s/ d% o9 K3 r! L3 z
    0 d( j% D# x& \4 Z主讲课程  x; R9 ^4 G* G! @
      _6 c: S/ p" q( }' z放射性药物化学基础,放射性药物化学实验,无机与分析化学实验 [1]
    7 F; a. Z& B& ]# e+ e4 I' B9 \- r# m/ I6 j7 T, k5 R* [( u
    ; V4 Z7 a) {' e5 A7 I/ }放射性药物化学、分子影像学 [1]' S2 b! t' p1 B! h$ g
    & Z  ?" z- d  V
    " [; M; _3 a2 b$ x; k8 g
      l* n& c7 {! `" m& X主持项目/ \% m% |# E) V( e& S7 |
    • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:21571022)0 z9 M, |" l; D* U1 M8 K4 A7 q  H! L
    • 国家重大新药创制子课题(批准号:2014ZX09507007-002)
      2 Q1 ^4 C/ k; t% I. C: W: s
    • 国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号:21201019)% U7 j# Q% i" `, x5 F
    • 北京市自然科学基金预探索项目 [1]" w- a  ^) {+ E; j
      " I6 P- D! l9 g0 O

    8 N+ t& [6 Y4 P8 q' G6 j' k代表性论文
    ! d8 v! c3 {8 `5 f5 U
    • Hualong Fu, Peiyu Tu, Liu Zhao, Jiapei Dai, Boli Liu,Mengchao Cui*. Amyloid-βDeposits Target Efficient Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes: Synthesis, in Vitro Evaluation and in Vivo Imaging.Anal. Chem.2016,88: 1944-1950.5 ^5 A3 A# z3 O0 n! e5 N
    • Hualong Fu,Mengchao Cui*, Liu Zhao, Peiyu Tu, Kaixiang Zhou, Jiapei Dai, Boli Liu. Highly Sensitive Near-Infrared Fluorophores for in Vivo Detection of Amyloid-beta Plaques in Alzheimer's Disease.J. Med. Chem.2015, 58: 6972-6983.. P2 K5 j4 b1 V
    • Kaixiang Zhou, Hualong Fu, Liang Feng,Mengchao Cui*, Jiapei Dai, Boli Liu. The synthesis and evaluation of near-infrared probes with barbituric acid acceptors for in vivo detection of amyloid plaques.Chem. Commun.2015, 51: 11665-11668.% _6 B* ~& K; [2 I$ t" C# |+ G7 H
    • Hualong Fu,Mengchao Cui*, Peiyu Tu. et al. Evaluation of molecules based on the electron donor-acceptor architecture as near-infraredβ-amyloidal-targeting probes.Chem. Commun.2014, 50: 11875-11878
      ! ?# O4 @6 e+ u, w$ s1 Y# w5 k
    • Yanping Yang,Mengchao Cui*, Xiaoyang Zhang. et al. Radioiodinated benzyloxybenzene derivatives: a class of flexible ligands target toβ-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's brains.J. Med. Chem.2014, 57: 6030-6042.等 [1]* q, @) D( y" z* V

      5 Q7 M) s; e& @
    0 h+ F8 I, s% X( p( J1 _0 U6 {
    / r1 X5 ]3 S( ?( y7 E/ I) \/ y
    • 2014年度肖伦青年科技奖
      , w6 K6 q# d$ W0 ~' p* K
    • 2012年北京市优秀博士论文 [1]
      4 H" g! ~" U+ i  {' P9 |3 l9 v1 c7 q, M+ [$ e$ A

    ; L, q2 g9 l  g

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